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Medicine Buddha
World Wide Healing Circle

Medicine Buddha

Join in at any time in this World Wide Healing Circle by chanting the Medicine Buddha Mantra for those who need a blessing for physical, mental and/or emotional well-being.

You need not be a Buddhist to participate in chanting this marvelous mantra. Medicine Buddha has promised healing to all the worlds, the mantra is secular so all can join and chant.

We will chant an entire Moon Cycle for the ones on the receivers healing list: from Full Moon to Full Moon.

Submit the names of the people or person that you want to receive a Medicine Buddha healing blessing. Names should be submitted for the next Moon Cycle.

If you want a longer period of chanting for the same people or person, then please re-submit the name again for the next Moon cycle.

Those who wish to recite the mantra please submit your name and country to our healing circle list.

If you are reciting the Medicine Buddha Mantra at a certain time regularly, and you wish to invite more people for joining these gatherings, go to places to join.

You may also wish to chant or recite and not add your nameā€¦please feel welcome to participate in any way you wish.

There are many ways to offer the grace of Medicine Buddha. You may choose one or more of the suggested ways or create your own offering.

In the blog you may share your experiences, ask questions and give suggestions.

World Wide Healing Circle calling cards for distribution, printable version (pdf)


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